Monday, September 13, 2010

I LOVE CARBS…..But Want To Know The Secret To Fat Burning Carbs?

So as I have mentioned before I am Italian, and therefore am pre-conditioned with a love of all things carbohydrate. Pasta, bread, pizza, risotto, potatoes mmmm..mmm.mmmm. But we all know that these delicious items can really be a detriment to your figure. However, I completely believe in moderation and a diet inclusive of white carbs from time to time. I mean, I seriously believe I should get props from growing up eating a different pasta practically everyday, to only allowing myself to eat it once a week on Sundays; it is my indulgence. The secret to having your cake and eating it too, on a daily basis though, is to incorporate fat resistant starches. Ideally, you should try to add 10-15 grams of fat resistant nutrients, to your diet daily and I will let you know how; it is so easy. Now you can happily scarf down those carbs without all the guilt, and with the added happy fact that you are eating something that actually burns fat by itself, and speeds up your metabolism! Another helpful tip, while I’m on the subject, is that lemon juice can burn up to 100 calories on their own as well. Add the juice of one lemon to your daily water intake and let it go to work. SO, now for the list! I have also added the amount of fat burning nutrients for some of the items.

1. White Beans- ½ cup= 3.49 grams
2. Potato-1 whole at 2.5 inch diameter=3.2 grams
3. Garbanzo Beans- ½ cup=2.1 grams
4. Lentils
5. Oatmeal
6. Whole wheat pasta
7. Brown rice
8. Bananas
9. Corn
10. Barley

1 comment:

  1. YAY for lemon juice. I am a firm believer in that as well. Though, wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about what you eat??? Wishful thinking, I know....xoxo
